Monday, November 19, 2012

Spiritual Block: Course Correction

     Upon the precipice of being poured out like a drink offering, Paul wrote about the course he had run for Timothy personally and for generations of Christians throughout the history of the church.  Paul tells us in 2 Timothy 4:7-8:
     "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith; in the future there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day; and not only to me, but also to all who have loved His appearing."  NAS
     We can often get caught up with pharaisitcal theology of earning God's grace, so I plan to lean on the Spirit in this exercise, looking for God's lead without judging if I've done "enough" so far in my life.  I do think in light of Paul's own self analysis and assurance of salvation in grace with the evidence from his course rather than justification from his course, we as Christians can benefit by asking the Holy Spirit to search our course and bring to light convictions, corrections, exhortation and celebration from our races to date.  He can also point us to the paths ahead that He'd like to see us run, if we can listen for His voice, His direction.
     Paul first pointed out fighting the good fight.  Where in my life have I fought?  We've all fought, but what have been good fights and what have not been.  Fighting for life, for the Gospel, for Jesus is good.  Fighting for self, for pride for stuff is not.  What about for family, in academic or business competition, politics, theology, conservation?  What are the motivations of the heart?  Through this week in prayer, ask Him to lead you through the fights in your heart to see your good fights, quagmires where you should pull your troops back, or fights meant only to win for self.  What good fights lay ahead?  God can prepare your heart for the battles.  Pray for preparation in Him, His word and His Spirit.
     Have you finished the course?  If not, which should be most of us, how has the course gone?  Paul had some disagreements with other Christians along the way, but continually went to God to map out his direction.  Have you been keeping in step with the Spirit along the race, or have you taken a seat on a bench, veered off the wrong direction, tripped and fallen?  Ask the Spirit to lead you through your course in truth.  Let Him speak to your heart.  Don't let your self or the enemy speak lies of discouragement and failure, but allow the Spirit to correct your direction, to dust off your scrapes, to give you a cool drink of water and an encouraging pat on the back to endure the race.  What has marked your course in Christ?  Widows, orphans, discipleship, evangelism, prayer, teaching, nose, ear, foot? What's been your role in the body of Christ?  Where is the Spirit leading you to keep in step with Him in the body of Christ?
     Where's your faith?  Do you have faith in God's promises?  Does God have your back?  What have been your struggles to hand over to God?  Money, worry, health, work, family?  What are you doing on your own so God doesn't have to worry about it?  What has the Spirit advised that you've dismissed?  Ask Him to increase your faith in the tough areas and to sustain your faith where you are confident.  Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.
  Bring pen and paper to a daily meeting with God this week.  Pray in the Spirit and listen patiently for His leading.  He may be waiting for you to quiet down and so may seem a while in answering.  He may answer with conviction of the heart immediately in prayer.  He may drop love notes through others or events throughout the day to let you know He's thinking of you and leading you.  He may speak through pain to help you grow, or through joy to raise your spirit.  He knows what you need more than you, so be open especially in focused prayer, but also throughout the coming week, praying through these areas.  Be open to writing down thoughts, convictions, events as they happen and compile them for a Sunday night recap with the Holy Spirit.  Lay your thoughts upon your Bible in prayer and work on a journey check up session with Him. 
     What fights has your heart been in--good and bad?  What good fights lay ahead for your heart?

     What course have you taken with and without the Spirit?  Where has He been leading?  Where does He lead you now?  Follow His steps.

     Where have you been faithful?  If you've made it through this post and are looking to engage in the exercise, you have a measure of faith.  Don't sell yourself short or long...don't sell yourself anything.  Wait on the Spirit to tug at your faith to see areas He would like you to grow and areas bringing joy to His Spirit.

Ask God.  He loves giving good things to His children.  What glorious requests to ask for His Spirit to be alive and active within your heart, to take your feet with His to others who need Him, to live in the security with His promises, His, hope and faith.

          Soli Deo Gloria

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