Who's Speaking?
I spent a recent morning in prayer alone with only God and nature on the back deck. The birds chattered so much that any other sounds were muted in the process. As I spent time in solitude, getting annoyed by the constant chirping and babbling of the birds, Job's conclusive statements about God resounded in my head.
About God, he spoke:
You said, "Listen! And I will speak! I have some questions for you, and you must answer them!" I had heard about you before but now I see you with my own eyes. I take back everything I've said and now I sit in dust and ashes in repentance.
I'd read a different take on Job's conversation with his friends and with God earlier, one that is not important to review here, other than to say, this epiphany was much brighter. God prepared my heart in advance through a random presentation of His word. Then through an exercise in solitude, God made clear to me the babbling bird I can be.
He loves the babble of the birds because He created their songs, but I get caught up in singing my song to other busy birds and forget to listen for the conductor, telling me when I'm a bit flat, or encouraging a good run of notes, or adjusting my tempo.
As I gave Him the issues on my heart, I left them on the table, stopped my chirping and listened for Him. Scriptures zinged at me and through me as reminders that His voice is written down, and He's happy to remind us of what He's said regarding our struggles. As I see the value of the rambling of this world compared to the clarity of Christ, I realize that I must listen. God has some questions for me, and I must answer them. Will my answer involve obedience always and repentance when necessary? Truthfully, I'll probably still do my share of screeching in the trees, but I pray through regular solitude, I can become better at recognizing the Spirit's voice, listening for His lead and in obedience, keeping in step with His rhythm.
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