OK, I haven't typed all the Proverbs to date this July, but will keep typing until I catch up. I do want to take some time to update something new in what I've learned from the experience. By typing out what I was reading, I was drawn more to the attention of the capitalization of the LORD. I've read and heard commentaries regarding the use of Lord versus LORD, God and Father and I AM, but I don't care to expand on that, though I do encourage your study of that if you haven't already.
What I found interesting was that being all caps, I had to either choose to ignore it or take the time to shift on both sides of the keyboard, or take the time to turn the all caps off and on, or shift with my right and stretch my left hand fingers...whatever I chose, typing LORD often forced my head down to the keyboard and took the greatest time of any other four letter combination I've typed.
Is it ironic or fitting that the style of LORD causes me to bough and concentrate on His name? I'm going with fitting...
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