Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Dealing with Pain and Struggles

We are studying Luke 17:3-4 and the need to forgive those who have sinned against us--those who have caused us pain and struggle.

Luke reads:  "So watch yourselves.  If your brother sins, rebuke him, and if he repents, forgive him.  If he sins against you seven times in a day and seven times comes back to you and says, 'I repent,' forgive him."

This is a powerful section about Jesus' instructions for approaching sin in others and the power of forgiveness and repentance in our Christian relationships.  We all fall short of the glory of God, so we will find ourselves both on the repentance and forgiveness sides of our relationships; and Jesus is calling for us to set ourselves apart from they way the world handles pain and retribution.  "Don't get mad, get even," is a common ideology from the world.  Jesus is commanding us:  "Don't get mad, forgive; Don't get even, repent."

Jesus calls us to be holy--set apart from the world.  In studying this week's subject, I read through 1 Peter 1:15-16 as well:
"But as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written:  'Be holy because I am holy.'"

When I read "...for it is written..." I searched for the references from where 'it' was written.  I found the command in an Old Testament book that loves commands:  Leviticus.  God commands this multiple times in chapters 11 and 20, but chapter 20, verses 7-8 resonated most with my study and the scripture from 1 Peter.  The Holy Spirit directed my attention:

"Consecrate yourselves and be holy, because I am the Lord your God.  Keep my decrees and follow them.  I am the Lord, who makes you holy."

In this brief scripture, God says much on the combination of faith, works, grace and forgiveness.

First, He commands us to be holy--set apart for Him.  If we are to be in communion with His Spirit, our spirits need to be set apart from the pursuits and logic of this world.

Secondly, He explains why.  He is the Lord our God, but He isn't our God if we are setting up idols and alternative thrones here on this earth.  The world preaches to place ourselves on the throne and seek to be served.  God commands that we serve and worship Him on His throne, recognizing Him as the giver of life and creator of all matter, anti-matter; seen and unseen.

Third, He explains the definition of a holy life.  A holy life is keeping God's decrees and following His ways.  We can try with all our might, but no man has proven to be able to follow all of God's commandments wholeheartedly with perfection.

So how can we follow His decrees?  How can we forgive those indebted to us?  How can we seek true repentance?

In verse 8, God states that He is the Lord, "who makes you holy."  God does the work!  Way back in Leviticus, God alludes to the power of the Gospel and His everlasting grace!  How cool is that?  Through the sacrifice of Jesus, our sin debt is paid.  Through His resurrection, He conquered death, which was our debt to sin.  Through our trust placed in Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we repent and are baptized into Christ.  The Holy Spirit then indwells our spirit, resurrecting to life our formerly dead spirit!  God in us then goes to work, setting us apart, guiding us to forgiveness, to repentance and growing us in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  To Him be glory, now and forever!  AMEN!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Nabeel Qureshi

I shared a youtube video of Nabeel's testimony with our high school youth group...I also heard him speak at church.  He's got a powerful story and is eloquent with apologetics and the Gospel.

Saturday, November 26, 2011


     Create what is uncreative
set out for ordinary
     navigate normalcy
Stand out to be whacked
Back to the safety of mediocrity
     Passive language
     Describing being rather than action
Raze the foundation of safe
     uncreated creation
Raze perception of the uncreated
Demolish ordinary, annihilate passivity
     The uncreated created all
Breathed life into something from nothing
     Seek the uncreated for meaning, truth
beyond human mediocrity, exceeding language
     into space, time, passing through
safety of parameters
     into holes of everything but nothing
through dimensions emitting nothing
     Nothing but curiosity
Is being active
     producing an active being
or being, abiding
     action to behold
Behold the uncreated
     Creation holds You as nothing
Nothing from which came everything!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Yada -- Knowing God More

After some encouragement from others desiring to see my journal on this experience, I am sharing my journal notes from an exercise in prayer, listening for God rather than talking.  I encourage you to spend an extended period of praying to God to know Him more and then listen for Him, patiently, and with not only your mind or your ears open, but all of your senses to how He may want to communicate with you.  Here's Day 1:

Praying to know God—to see His face, to know Him more… 

Day one: 
In prayer today my mind wandered a bit and staying focused on God rather than self was difficult, but as I struggled, a rain-soaked chunk of soil entered my thoughts. Dark black dirt bleeding water beside a stream poured through my heart. Though plain and dirty, grass grew lush green on the banks, and the mud and muck screamed life. God creates. He uses muck to produce life and beauty. The darkest, dirtiest soul, once saturated to bleeding out living water glorifies the Creator with the beauty of fresh life. 
He breathed life into all—into me. My breath is the breath of God our Creator—Who created everything. What then shall I breathe but God and His word, that I may inhale Christ and exhale life to a suffocating world? Sola Deo Gloria! 

Yada -- Knowing God More Day 2

Day two: 
Today again, my thoughts were running wild rather than listening for God. I sat outside, and with my eyes closed, every twitch or breeze set my mind on thoughts of bugs hopping all over me. Then I thought and perhaps boasted to God that at least I’m not like those legalistic folks who feel they need to pray on their knees. Then God said, “Submission.” I quickly understood this was God’s intention for me to learn of Him today, but while Jesus submitted to His Father, is God really the face of submission? 

“Get on your knees.” 

Surely that’s Satan playing with my mind. I’m not legalistic and I’m quite comfortable praying in the chair. 


“Got it…I kneeled.” 

I am prideful even with no one around. After getting on my knees God brought to mind bigger submission failures on my part. Submission is the key for today. Follow His prompting. Don’t wait for God to explain Himself or beg—just submit in humble obedience.

Kneel. Pray. Write. Tell. 

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Yada -- Knowing God More Day 3

Day three: 
It’s taken me a couple of days to revisit this exercise. The delay could be blamed on “busyness” and fatigue, but truthfully, after two “wow” days of God revealing Himself, I feared what would come next. In my mind, I expected that I couldn’t be and don’t deserve to be in tune with God every day. What if God is silent and won’t talk to me? How would I interpret that? 
He was not silent. Today—He is not silent still. When I sat to pray, fatigued and pessimistic about prayer this morning, He reminded me of our chats earlier this week and led me back to my knees. The breeze on my face reminded me of His breath and as I turned to my knees, He gently blew on my back. 
He didn’t waste any time this morning, as if anxious to let me know—God has my back. God you are in me and with me and as I breathe in your Spirit and submit to your instruction, you encourage my soul. In His Word God told Abram to get up from His father’s house, go to the land “which I will show you…And I will bless you.” 
No matter what stands before me, Lord you permeate me, you instruct and guide me; you encourage me. With the One who created everything so involved with me, what fears then should I have—only the reverent fear of God to listen for His voice, Wisdom. 

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Yada -- Knowing God More Day 4

Day four: 

I Am Infinity. 

“Meow!” And I Am a joker—Infinite humor! Sending a cat 

up behind me, You might as well have just said, “Boo!” 

Friday, October 21, 2011

yada -- Knowing God More Day 5

Day five: 
I’d been flying since 7 AM and gained three hours coming to the West Coast. I then drove around 40 miles into Los Angeles, only receiving two honks and one exasperated gesture. 
After getting checked into my hotel, I decided to go for a bite to eat at a Burger King in walking distance. I’d only had coffee and a muffin within the last 10 hours and was hungry. 
Why do I note this? 
After getting my meal, God prompted me to give it to a homeless man passed out on the side of the road. After walking towards him, away again, back and away, with a war of thought in my mind, I dismissed God as merely self-imposed guilt from recent discussions of the homeless. Besides, I was hungry! 

God is compassion! I am not! I’m still working on submission. Lord, in the past week, I’ve prayed like a Pharisee, and shown the lack of compassion as a Pharisee! How wretched am I?! 
Still You are with me. Abraham gave Sarah to another and still you were with him. I’m reminded also having realized I’m checked into room 777. God, You don’t just have compassion on the homeless, but on me as well. Everyone needs compassion, forgiveness of a savior. Thank you for your compassion. Forgive me please of my callous, rebellious heart. I pray today for a heart of submission filled with compassion for others. 

Thursday, October 20, 2011

yada -- Knowing God More Day 6

Day six: 

God is affectionate. Sometimes He doesn’t want to say anything. He just wants to give a big hug. I’ve been struggling in my emotions lately and after babbling a bit in prayer, God gave me a hug—unexplainable to a point, but it was not as if I was in some hallucinatory state or physically hugging myself…somehow God’s arms were around me in hugging fashion and I knew it. I know Jesus used the sense of touch in His ministry on earth; He still touches today! His Spirit is within me, yet also around me, with me, touching me and comforting me. I can’t wrap Him up with crisp, pretty paper in a package with a nice ribbon, but somehow in prayer this morning, I know He hugged me because I needed it and because that was His desire. 

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

yada -- Knowing God More Day 7

Day seven: 

The Way, the Truth and the Life. 

I noted this morning in Genesis 46 how Jacob sent Judah ahead to show the way to Goshen. In the same fashion, the Lion of Judah was sent ahead to show us the way to salvation from spiritual famine and death. (He went ahead to conquer death and show us the way!) 

In prayer, God kept directing me back to “the way.” I knew I had just noted this in my reading so I asked God to shut up my thoughts that I may see Him today. Do I not believe He speaks through His word? 

The Way—The Way, the Truth and the Life. “If you have seen me, you have seen the Father.” (John 14) God is Trinity. I can attribute the components of the way, truth and life to the Son, Father and Holy Spirit; but they are all three all three. The Trinity is a great mystery to me, yet I know more clearly today that Jesus, who is the Word, is God the Father revealed to me from the Spirit indwelling my heart and directing my response to the Word. 
Jesus is the Way!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

yada -- Knowing God More Day 8

Day eight: 

Seed. Seed? God, You are seed? A small, hard nut producing life in the right conditions? 
When a seed is planted in good dirt (kind of oxymoronic, right? Rich filth, fertile filth, righteous mud….) given water and sun, it breaks forth from its burial to brilliant life. It uses the soil, yet there is nothing dirty about a daisy other than from where it is rooted. 
I am righteous clay with God’s holy seed planted in the depths of my dirt, fed by His Word—the Son, the living water; and pruned by the Gardener, the Father. Another view of the Trinity in a single seed. 

Monday, October 17, 2011

yada -- Knowing God More Day 9

Day nine: 
It’s so noisy in here this morning. The TV is pounding a dark song through the house, through my thoughts, my attempts to pray. 
To the back deck I must go! God, the birds won’t shut up out here—I can’t concentrate this morn---- 
Wait. The TV had orchestration from man—dark and ugly music. These birds have incredible songs! Incredible morning music orchestrated and directed by the One who created music. Listen to the symphony! God, this music is so cool! I want my music to resonate Your song because it is not my music but Yours placed in my soul. 

Sunday, October 16, 2011

yada -- Knowing God More Day 10

Day ten: 
Why worry? God provides. 

Easier said than believed. In my darkest heart I believe God's providence is insufficient--like coriander cakes when I crave meat. God sustains me; my wanton desires stretch me thin. Why do I struggle with faith that God's manna is enough? He is the bread of life; God, You are my bread of life. Please, God, sustain me even as my sinful appetite hunts for variety in my diet--food that will make me ill in my greed and steal the life You have breathed into me. 

Saturday, October 15, 2011

yada -- Knowing God More Day 11

"Day eleven: 
I am the Lord your God." 

He is my lawgiver and judge. 

"I am the Lord your God who brought you out from the land of Egypt to be your God; I am the Lord your God." 

God saved Israel but still burned in anger when they sinned. Sin angers God. 

Lord, may I desire You and revel in your commandments rather than pursuing my own gods and laws; that I may be as Caleb and Joshua, ready to enter Your rest by Your power and grace. 

"I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt to be your God; I am the Lord your God. 

Friday, October 14, 2011

Writer's Block: Change of Venue

October 14, 2011
Writing exercises can often jog the pen when it seems dry.

Change the venue.  Where do you normally write?  Is it a quiet, secluded space?  Nature?  A desk?  Is your normal spot more active like a coffee shop, the middle of a college campus or a mall cafe'?  Go to the opposite extreme and just write without worry of what you're writing for--without any inhibitions of grammar like trailing prepositions; or should it be a comma or a semi-colon or semicolon or semi colon.  Just write what comes alive in your new space!  

I recently sat down to write in the middle of a shopping mall while my son went to his favorite shops.  The conversations I overheard, the actions of individuals feeling unnoticed in the crowd, kids with their parents and parents to their kids--the field was ripe for character traits and attributes to incorporate into characters in my book!

Sometimes a quiet place can keep you from getting distracted, to focus better on what you write.  Perhaps the interaction of wind with a leaf clinging to its branch in October is enough material for you to write for ten minutes.

Change your venue and write, write, write no matter what comes out!

In Christ, Andy

Spiritual Block: Read and Listen

Sometimes we have struggles keeping in step with the Spirit. I seem to be going through the motions sometimes going to church, praying for dinner, saying, "God Bless you," when someone sneezes. You could list a few going-through-the-motions activities yourself--I could list many more here, but the purpose of this block is to offer exercises in getting back in touch with the Holy Spirit--to find life in Christ and Kingdom living here on earth now!
Choose a book from the Bible.  If you normally find yourself in the New Testament, choose one from the Old; if you normally find yourself in the Old, choose one in the New.  Divide the number of chapters by 30 and read that many chapters per day.  Pray before reading for God to open His word to your mind for the day.  Then read intently.  After reading, pray to God, listening for Him and what He brings to your mind of what you just read.  Be patient and as your mind may get distracted, direct your thoughts back to what you just read and listen for Him.  Now journal your thoughts for future reflection and reminders of God's voice.

In Christ, Andy

Word Play

Ex squared bee twelve
A two zeta alpha omega man
H two oh Henry
Carbon two oxygen
Bee six Be one
Two Einsteinium one isotope two
Three fours Five
Split, expolosimplosion
Hydrogen one fire, fire split the one
to two four, xenon phenom
Cardbon die H too Oh
     Oh no....what?

yada -- Knowing God More Day 12

Day twelve: 
Clean. Pure. God, You breathe life into all life. Therefore, life itself is clean and pure, holy--sacred. Death is unclean, dirty, unrighteous and rebellious. Life screams love. Death screams nothing. Life abundant sheds entanglement with sin and death, solely focussed on the Giver of life--our clean, pure, holy, perfect God, the Wellspring of life. 

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

yada -- Knowing God More Day 14

Day fourteen (Psalm 29): 

Ascribe to the Lord, O sons of the mighty, 
Ascribe to the Lord glory and strength. 
Ascribe to the Lord the glory due to His name; 
Worship the Lord in holy array. 

The voice of the Lord is upon the waters; 
The God of glory thunders, The Lord is over many waters. 
The voice of the Lord is powerful, 
The voice of the Lord is majestic. 
The voice of the Lord breaks the cedars; 
Yes, the Lord breaks in pieces the cedars of Lebanon. 
He makes Lebanon skip like a calf, 
And Sirion like a young wild ox. 
The voice of the Lord hews out flames of fire. 
The voice of the Lord shakes the wilderness; 
The Lord shakes the wilderness of Kadesh. 
The voice of the Lord makes the deer to calve 
And strips the forests bare; 
And in His temple everything says, "Glory!" 

The Lord sat as King at the flood; 
Yes, the Lord sits as King forever. 
The Lord will give strength to His people; 
The Lord will bless His people with peace. 


Thursday, October 6, 2011

Honor God

     In the garden, Jesus wrestled in prayer with feelings of the coming torture, persecution and crucifixion.  He knew the Father's will, but He also knew the coming physical pain and spiritual pain of bearing the weight of our sins.
     Ultimately, Jesus chose to honor God through obedience.  He did not go to the cross, though, kicking and screaming.  He did not go as a child being dragged from an arcade.  He went with an attitude of worship, with a love for God and for us.  He went with His eyes set on  the glory before Him--us reconciled to God through Him!
     When God commands, do I obey?  More importantly, do I obey with an attitude of love for God and others, or do I comply reluctantly as if doing what He asks is a grind?
     "I'm doing what God wants.  Woe is me!  Eyore, eyore!"
     Does that attract the world to Jesus?  What if my attitude in obedience is one of love for others, for God?  What about a heart that loves sacrificing for those in need?
     What means more to one in a hospital bed--the child visiting because a parent has dragged them in to see a relative or the child who has dragged the parent to give a personally-made card to the sick relative?  What means more to this world:  a Christian dragged by God to those in need or a Christian dragging a Father to show those in need a home-made display of affection, care, of love?
     Honor God through obedience because obeying God impacts the world through our actions and attitudes.
          To God be the God be all the glory!
          Praise Jesus!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


What Is Greatness?
Matthew 20:20-28

     James and John's mother sought greatness in the kingdom for her sons from Jesus.  Did Jesus chastise them for such grandiose aspirations?  No.  He did let them know they were off target as to what greatness is, but he did not chastise them.  Rather, He went on to explain greatness in His kingdom.
     So what is this greatness?  Ironically, the way to greatness in the kingdom is the way of humility.  Jesus does not preach of false humility--the kind that after doing something awesome, one says, "Aw shucks, anyone could've done that really.  It was nothing special."  If God was in it, it WAS something special!
     The humility to which Jesus refers is one of putting others first.  To be great is to treat others greater.  To be a "master" is to be a slave to THE Master.  Jesus is calling us to greatness, but not to push ourselves to the top, but to lift up others.  Jesus gave His life as a ransom for us.  In other words, He gave His life to free us from the bondage and condemnation of our sin.  In the same manner, we are to give our lives to free others from the bondage of sin, revealing to them through our service the freedom in Christ!
     Who can you lift up this week?  What can you do to serve them?  How is God calling you to act as a slave of Christ?  How can you give your life to another this week to reveal the freedom found in Christ?

     Do something great!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Some Character Traits of God

Slow to anger
Giver of freewill
Giver of things to think about
He knows me personally

Sunday, October 2, 2011


     I urge to something grand
grand papa funk skittle de bop
     Oder grand hole in the ground
or grand odor of heart
     Grand dreams
      the grand illusion of memory
foretelling of thought
     grand future beyond grand designs
     Grand despair of hope
          in the grand canyon of soul
Spirit-filled grand glory of hallelujah
     Grand glory of God
          within, around, surround
     Grand stereo of angels, of demons
          Grand self and desire
Grand mash of conviction beneath
     the finger upon the weight of the stars
           upon the sun, the planets, the world
               upon the grand hole in heart
seeking the grand fill
     the void, grand beneath the skull
Filled by Him Who lifts the soul, the spirit, the body
     the world, the stars, the atoms, the quarks
nothing more grand than the Grand
     of all, in all, be all, over all, all in all
Gloria grand gloria, glory of divine
     The Divine
          Grandest glory of human heart spirit mind

Monday, September 19, 2011

Dandelion Fountain

     Kids at play
Memory fades to misty spritz
     dozens of spickets pollinating summer
with water spray, laughter, smiles
     Frisbees passing through
     A dog lapping puddles of pollen
The dandelion fountain
     Magnet of youth
     Old, young, middle-aged
No matter the years
     Always a child in the dandelion rain

Friday, September 16, 2011

Connecting: Unity

Today, I write in regards to John 17 and Jesus' prayer for unity of those who believe in Him today.   When Jesus is praying just prior to His trial and crucifixion, He prayed not just for His disciples, but also for us today.

"I do not ask on behalf of these alone, but for those also who believe in Me through their word; that they may all be one; even as You, Father, are in Me and I in You, that they also may be in Us, so that the world may believe that You sent Me."

I had a conversation this week with a brother in Christ in relation to the many denominations that comprise Christianity.  How could so many different factions splinter the Christian body by insisting each way is the only right way to pursue Christ?  Something hit me after some prayer and thought and discussion about the subject this week, the many denominations and Paul's description of the body of the Church.  Of course, being September, football also entered my cranial discourse.

Paul's description of the body is in the context of utilizing spiritual gifts and talents--each of us is given different talents and spiritual gifts to be used uniquely for the building up of the body.  Perhaps denominations are a corporate example of this individual imagery.

In football, the team has different groups of players, but all with one goal--victory.  Linemen can be classified in a group within the team.  Each lineman has a unique talent for each position--defensive tackle, offensive tackle, nose tackle, guards, center; but grouped together, they are a unique team within the football team.  Lineman concentrate on weights, strength, power and WHAM!  Wide receivers work on sprinting and catching, running routes, patterns.  The defense works on thwarting the offense and the offense works on overcoming the defensive team.  

Now, should the offensive linemen preach to the quarterback that he should spend more time in the weight room and less time working on his passing accuracy?  Should a quarterback tell his line to practice throwing the ball because everyone in football should be able to throw a good pass?

These are perhaps exaggerated examples, but we often see this kind of preaching from different church pulpits when in truth, we need "different" churches unified in God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.  The football team brings all the different groups of players together for the goal of victory--scoring more points than the opponent.  The goal of Christianity is summed up best by Jesus Himself when quoting the Shema--to love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your mind, all your soul and with all your strength; and love your neighbor as yourself.

Perhaps some feel convicted to partake of the Lord's Supper every weekend because of its importance; others feel convicted to partake only once a month to preserve the honor and "specialness" of the occasion.  Perhaps a congregation would rather not have distractions from dancing and music while another could not imagine worshipping without it.  Are these churches all splintered or can they all love God and neighbor within their own convictions of the Holy Spirit without judging the others?

Does this mean the Church should have no limits to what it allows?  Paul wrote to the Corinthians regarding the fallacy of this thought.  While quarterbacks don't block as a normal duty and linemen don't throw the football, quarterbacks do need to throw and linemen do need to block.  If either are not doing so, the coach pulls them from the game.

Perhaps think this week regarding groups, teams, or organizations more meaningful to you.  What is the goal of that group?  Are all members doing the same things toward that goal or are there several groups within that group, all unified by a common denominator, but achieving different numerators?

Something to think about...why would Jesus want you specifically to be unified with other Christians?  How has He made you unique to contribute to the body?  To a group within the body?  Have you thought about the One who holds all things together praying for you to be one with Him--with the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit?  Read back through John 17:21 and spend some time with Him right now.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Alternations vs. Simultaneity

Alternations vs. Simultaneity

Can the Spirit live together with my body?
Must one die to satisfy the other?
Is the soul divided?

My mind claims that I pant for Jesus
as a deer pants for water, yet a moment later
my mind pants after the world!

     What a struggle, I cannot win!
     I cannot.
     But He can!
     I believe with my lips,
     with my head and heart,
     But desire betrays, and my hands
     and feet reveal true hypocrisy!

     So how does this work?
     I must believe, but I cannot even make my body believe!
          Jesus within; the power of the Holy Spirit!
     Help me in my unbelief!  Refresh my soul
     with your living water.  Refresh my appetite
     with the bread of life!

     Pour forth from me simultaneously
with the filling of my cup, filling others and others.
     Not me, but Christ in me, through me and all of me
Reach the world while dipped in heaven.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Writer's Block: Dream

Having a hard time getting going on some writing?

When you wake in the morning, don't press the snooze bar!  Get up!  Get up and recall what you were dreaming.  Put it down on paper quickly.   Don't worry about grammar, spelling, active voice or any other editor-type things.  Just compile word pictures to help you remember your dream later.

Later...after perhaps some coffee, re-visit your dream notes and develop it into a piece of creative writing.

Here are some notes from a recent dream I had.  If you're not a dreamer, perhaps you can help develop my dream!

Waterfall through the trees
dirt path...home with high walls of rock--natural
trees rooting up from the rocks in a
canopy over the home
climbing up to the trees, looking through the
breaks in the limbs  leaves, reveals a huge
canyon with walls of rock 20 times the
height of the one upon which I am perched,
with a depth unseen

As I scan the scene to the right--a
huge waterfall coming over the cliff.  Wind
blowing the water my direction, giving the illusion
of an imminent drench, but the distance is
deceiving.  Instead, it is a cool mist upon my
face as I nearly fall back off the rock face.

The man of the primitive home is fearful
of that ledge while his wife is somewhat
ambivalent.  Both-- a bewilderment to me considering
the beauty and majesty just through the trees.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Summer's End

Summer comes to an end with the harvest revealed-
fruit, dried from the heat and drought.
Cool mornings intimate to soul and spirit,
hint at relief from the scorch of the summer sun.
The afternoons reveal the remaining intensity
of a star not ready to Fall.
The squeal of kids around the pool,
girls walking dogs, frisbees and nothing on TV--
all hearken for more lazy days.
Crisp nights, yellow buses, fees and commitments
hearken the fall.
Life is transition
  the fruit from this summer is dry
and bitter, yet helpful to cleanse spiritual bowels.

Sometimes, we cultivate sweet blueberries
to find a harvest of bitter herbs and thirsty tomatoes.

Without a harvest to nourish the heart, the Spirit must minister to the soul and sustain the spirit.
Rooted in faith, nourishment comes supernaturally despite the drought, despite the Fall--
in spite of the winter winds prepared ahead.

Spring will return.

Saturday, August 13, 2011


The sun is deceptive.
The breeze brings the cool of mountain waters.
The grass becoming green again,
but clouds of dust sweep across the fields
grit in the teeth, dirt in the eyes,
chills that penetrate sweatshirts and jeans.

Ah, Spring!
Where is your sting?

With the bees still hiding in their combs,
the earth comes with penetrating stings,
reminding me of the wildness of creation,
the wildness of the wilderness.

A longing to pass through the wilderness
to the promises made by Spring.

The promise of summer warmth to come,
the fellowship of dirt with the sun
and rain, producing fruit from the seed of promise.

Does the seed have promise?
Will it become thorns or flowers?
Perhaps both, with pain below the outward beauty.

Perhaps the flowers will be unattractive
yet hold within sweet fruit to eat.
Perhaps still beautiful flowers await
with even more precious fruit to come.

Ah, Spring!
Even on a cold windy day, your promises
stir the spirit for more than what is now.

What is to come, that is for what is it
to ponder on a cold bench.  The promise of summer
in a true spring day is still of greater inspiration
than a false summer created by gas and walls.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Reading through Psalms

Psalm 131:1
O LORD, my heart is not proud, nor my eyes haughty...

At first glance, this seems to read along the same lines as our sarcastic humor regarding humility.  We often joke that we are the most humble person in the room, or our humility is unsurpassed, or you need to be as humble as I.  This hit me in a different way this morning though, especially coming off Psalm 101, which was the preceding Psalm in my exercise of reading 5 Psalms a day, 30 chapters apart (today I read 11, 41, 71, 101 & 131.

Psalm 101:5
...No one who has a haughty look and an arrogant heart will I endure.

David understands the LORD does not want a proud king, a proud man--a proud heart.  David understands the penalty is separation from God--death; so he sought God's heart and not his own.  I think we can relate these Psalms to today's vernacular a bit better than the NASB in this case--don't take me for being proud of this, as that would negate this entire entry!

The rest of 131:1 in the NASB reads:  ...Nor do I involve myself in great matters, or in things too difficult for me.

I think this is the case of David, leading his family, the Israelites, on a life journey and getting lost in the land of Bathsheba, child-rearing issues and war.  The cliche' joke of men not wanting to ask for directions is a valid concern because men leading their families don't want to give any impression of stupidity, waywardness and insufficiency.  A man wants his family to trust in him, so he acts like he knows where he's going, refusing to seek direction from the lowly inhabitants of the land.

A man of God, though, says, "I ain't proud.  Let's stop for directions."

If you are a man and have stopped for directions, this has got to be the attitude of your heart whether you verbalize in true southern style or not.  The way I would translate 131:1& 3 in the language of the Southeastern United States is:  "God, I ain't proud...I'm counting on You to get me to my final destination."

David is not bragging about being humble; his statement of humility is one of admission of his position as a man compared with the position of God who created David along with the universe.  Many times, we won't have the answers to struggles in life, which direction we should go, why God set things up this way--but God has direction to give.  He asks that we model David's pursuit of God's heart and instead of trying to have it altogether, turning down whatever road looks best; He wants us to simply stop and say, "I ain't proud, LORD.  Direct my steps because you are my only hope of getting to my final destination."

Earlier, I mentioned that a man wants his family to trust him.  A man after God's heart, though, wants his family to trust Him--God.  Don't be too proud to stop and ask for directions.  Jesus humbled Himself to ridicule, spit, torture, and death by being nailed to a cross.  After going through that, He is not going to make fun of you, slap you around or give you faulty directions.  He wants you to get there (2 PET 3:9, 13); just stop, don't be proud and ask Him for your next step.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Bello Visione

From the Writer's Block language exercise...this is an actual language, or at least an attempt...see if you can guess the language...

Bello Visione
     Bello Visione
Creazione risplendere
     Le tue braccia
Doccia il mio cuore arido
     Io sono carne
Sei spirito
     Nei tuoi occhi
Io sono santo
     Spremere il mio cuore arido
Assagiore il frutto dello spirito
          BELLO VISIONE!

Italian to English:

     Beautiful vision!
Creation shines
     In your arms.
Shower my arid heart.
     I am flesh;
You are spirit.
     In your eyes,
I am holy.
     Squeeze my arid heart;
Taste the fruit of the Spirit;

RECAP of the exercise:
Do you speak multiple tongues?  If so, write a short story or poem in a different language than your native tongue, depending upon your proficiency.  If you are not proficient in another language, pick some of your favorite things (nouns), some of your favorite actions (verbs), and a list of articles, pronouns and adverbs such as a, an, the, this, that, he, she, they,  quickly, slowly, happily, sadily.  Pick some of your favorite descriptive words (adjectives).

Now that you have your list, develop your own language. 
she = sen
quickly = buquerity
wrote = yada
a = e
new = uevo
tongue = tonga

Now write something active and interesting...hopefully better than this example:
Sen buquerity yada e uevo tonga.

Perhaps this sparks an interest in learning other languages, the history and development of different tongues and encourages renewed excitement over the play with words.  Tolkien developed complete languages for species such as the elves in the Lord of the Rings simply to inject a small portion of that tongue into his book.

Come neve d'estate e come la pioggia all mietitura, cosi l'onore non conviene allo stolto.
     Keep learning new things and build your writing so that it may be honorable!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Holy Spirit II

I broke this up into two posts because I was afraid I was getting a bit verbose for two posts.  I have experienced such personal revelation of understanding of the Holy Spirit this week, I've got a lot I want to share!

My preacher stated from the pulpit recently that the Spirit never says, "Tomorrow..."  He always speaks in the present tense.  In other words, He is not the spirit of procrastination.  My spirit may be defined as such too often, but His is a Spirit of action.

When I heard this, my immediate reaction was to debate him and Him in my mind.  God made Joseph wait in prison, He made Moses wait 40 years before leading the Israelites out of Egypt, He made Zacharias wait to speak until John was born, He made the world wait for Jesus, He said in 3 days He would rise, He has us awaiting for 'tomorrow' for His return while we prepare as if it is today.  There's a lot of waiting with God!

I've been reading Acts and now my argument is without merit.  I understand exactly where our preacher was coming from.  God the Father and Jesus may demand patience; and truthfully, as the Spirit speaks the word of God to our hearts and minds, in that manner He does too.  But when the Spirit is given the focus in Acts, He demands immediate action and the righteous obey and act.

Acts 8:29-30 The Holy Spirit said, "Go...Philip ran..."
Acts 10:19-20  ...the Spirit said to him, "Behold, three men are looking for you...get up, go...Peter went..."
Acts 13:2-3  ...Holy Spirit said, "Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them"...then they sent them away with prayer and fasting

I'm still moving through Acts, but evident to me that the Holy Spirit is about action.  When He speaks, it's time to move, it's time to act.  The Holy Spirit says...the follower of Christ does...

He has told me several things this week, but pertinent here, He has told me to write.  He tells me to read His word, to pray and continue praying, to tell others how cool He is, how loving He is--how interested He is in me, in us, in you, your children, your father and mother, your friend at work, your enemy at work, those who hate you, those who like you, those who are indifferent.  While we were still sinners, Christ died for us!

What is the Spirit calling you to do?  You may not be saved by your works, but your faith is defined by your response to His call.  Pray now for the Spirit to lead, for the strength to obey and when called, act--act immediately.   Keep in mind, the Spirit is asking you to act in His direction--it could mean quitting a job or other dramatic events, but often it is to take a step towards Him.   He may be calling you to plan an exit from a job, moving into missionary or pastoral work, but perhaps not to quit your job immediately and strain financially while planning your course.

Sometimes before leaping, we can ask God and Christian counsel through prayer.  I did this last week and He brought me answers and direction through others.  Be sure you are following the Spirit and not your own desires.  God is patient and His Spirit will counsel us through our questions, but when you understand the Spirit is telling you, "Do this..."  then do it!

He is still a great and wonderful mystery, but as I read more scripture with Him in mind, more  of Him is revealed to me.  He leads my steps...