Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Writer's Block: Dream

Having a hard time getting going on some writing?

When you wake in the morning, don't press the snooze bar!  Get up!  Get up and recall what you were dreaming.  Put it down on paper quickly.   Don't worry about grammar, spelling, active voice or any other editor-type things.  Just compile word pictures to help you remember your dream later.

Later...after perhaps some coffee, re-visit your dream notes and develop it into a piece of creative writing.

Here are some notes from a recent dream I had.  If you're not a dreamer, perhaps you can help develop my dream!

Waterfall through the trees
dirt path...home with high walls of rock--natural
trees rooting up from the rocks in a
canopy over the home
climbing up to the trees, looking through the
breaks in the limbs  leaves, reveals a huge
canyon with walls of rock 20 times the
height of the one upon which I am perched,
with a depth unseen

As I scan the scene to the right--a
huge waterfall coming over the cliff.  Wind
blowing the water my direction, giving the illusion
of an imminent drench, but the distance is
deceiving.  Instead, it is a cool mist upon my
face as I nearly fall back off the rock face.

The man of the primitive home is fearful
of that ledge while his wife is somewhat
ambivalent.  Both-- a bewilderment to me considering
the beauty and majesty just through the trees.

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