I broke this up into two posts because I was afraid I was getting a bit verbose for two posts. I have experienced such personal revelation of understanding of the Holy Spirit this week, I've got a lot I want to share!
My preacher stated from the pulpit recently that the Spirit never says, "Tomorrow..." He always speaks in the present tense. In other words, He is not the spirit of procrastination. My spirit may be defined as such too often, but His is a Spirit of action.
When I heard this, my immediate reaction was to debate him and Him in my mind. God made Joseph wait in prison, He made Moses wait 40 years before leading the Israelites out of Egypt, He made Zacharias wait to speak until John was born, He made the world wait for Jesus, He said in 3 days He would rise, He has us awaiting for 'tomorrow' for His return while we prepare as if it is today. There's a lot of waiting with God!
I've been reading Acts and now my argument is without merit. I understand exactly where our preacher was coming from. God the Father and Jesus may demand patience; and truthfully, as the Spirit speaks the word of God to our hearts and minds, in that manner He does too. But when the Spirit is given the focus in Acts, He demands immediate action and the righteous obey and act.
Acts 8:29-30 The Holy Spirit said, "Go...Philip ran..."
Acts 10:19-20 ...the Spirit said to him, "Behold, three men are looking for you...get up, go...Peter went..."
Acts 13:2-3 ...Holy Spirit said, "Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them"...then they sent them away with prayer and fasting
I'm still moving through Acts, but evident to me that the Holy Spirit is about action. When He speaks, it's time to move, it's time to act. The Holy Spirit says...the follower of Christ does...
He has told me several things this week, but pertinent here, He has told me to write. He tells me to read His word, to pray and continue praying, to tell others how cool He is, how loving He is--how interested He is in me, in us, in you, your children, your father and mother, your friend at work, your enemy at work, those who hate you, those who like you, those who are indifferent. While we were still sinners, Christ died for us!
What is the Spirit calling you to do? You may not be saved by your works, but your faith is defined by your response to His call. Pray now for the Spirit to lead, for the strength to obey and when called, act--act immediately. Keep in mind, the Spirit is asking you to act in His direction--it could mean quitting a job or other dramatic events, but often it is to take a step towards Him. He may be calling you to plan an exit from a job, moving into missionary or pastoral work, but perhaps not to quit your job immediately and strain financially while planning your course.
Sometimes before leaping, we can ask God and Christian counsel through prayer. I did this last week and He brought me answers and direction through others. Be sure you are following the Spirit and not your own desires. God is patient and His Spirit will counsel us through our questions, but when you understand the Spirit is telling you, "Do this..." then do it!
He is still a great and wonderful mystery, but as I read more scripture with Him in mind, more of Him is revealed to me. He leads my steps...
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