From the Writer's Block language exercise...this is an actual language, or at least an attempt...see if you can guess the language...
Bello Visione
Bello Visione
Creazione risplendere
Le tue braccia
Doccia il mio cuore arido
Io sono carne
Sei spirito
Nei tuoi occhi
Io sono santo
Spremere il mio cuore arido
Assagiore il frutto dello spirito
Italian to English:
Beautiful vision!
Creation shines
In your arms.
Shower my arid heart.
I am flesh;
You are spirit.
In your eyes,
I am holy.
Squeeze my arid heart;
Taste the fruit of the Spirit;
RECAP of the exercise:
Do you speak multiple tongues? If so, write a short story or poem in a different language than your native tongue, depending upon your proficiency. If you are not proficient in another language, pick some of your favorite things (nouns), some of your favorite actions (verbs), and a list of articles, pronouns and adverbs such as a, an, the, this, that, he, she, they, quickly, slowly, happily, sadily. Pick some of your favorite descriptive words (adjectives).
Now that you have your list, develop your own language.
she = sen
quickly = buquerity
wrote = yada
a = e
new = uevo
tongue = tonga
Now write something active and interesting...hopefully better than this example:
Sen buquerity yada e uevo tonga.
Perhaps this sparks an interest in learning other languages, the history and development of different tongues and encourages renewed excitement over the play with words. Tolkien developed complete languages for species such as the elves in the Lord of the Rings simply to inject a small portion of that tongue into his book.
Come neve d'estate e come la pioggia all mietitura, cosi l'onore non conviene allo stolto.
Keep learning new things and build your writing so that it may be honorable!
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